Advocate for Refugees

You can support women refugees. Here’s how

Donate: Refugees within 1 year of arrival in the U.S. typically survive with ONLY $1000 per month, per family. For women refugees who are single parents, this budget is especially punishing.

Connect: Search for refugee non-profit organizations in your area. Be a volunteer. Women refugees need teachers, conversation partners, childcare, drivers, and friends – possibilities are endless!

Humanize Higher Ed: Become a resettlement campus through Every Campus A Refuge, founded at Guilford College in North Carolina, this program leverages campus resources in partnership with local resettlement agencies to soften the landing of new-to-the-U.S. refugees.

Advocate: Women refugees are survivors of forced migration. Media often portray them negatively; elected officials need reminders that #RefugeesAreWelcome, especially pregnant people!

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